Saturday, August 1, 2009

Break of Dawn... Recycling the R&B...

I have not abandoned you folks, don't worry! Although I have moved on to bigger (not better) and yelpier things, I will continue to share photos and excerpts/links of the reviews I have on here because, hey, it kills the time. Also, I figure if I have musical thoughts, recipes or anything food or music related that isn't yelp-worthy, well... it goes here!

So here's an excerpt from my review of an amazing brunch place called Break of Dawn, with pics!

Numerous friends of mine have visited this small brunch place and have had nothing but amazing things to say about it. To say I had high expectations when I walked in would be an understatement. I expected nothing short of mind-blowing food and that's exactly what I got, sweeeeeet!

First of all, be prepared to try some very "not so breakfast" types
of dishes if you want to truly appreciate the food. True, there are dishes that can pass for regular breakfast but if you truly want to experience the chef's creativity, try something you never would have imagined eating in the morning... (link to rest of review)

On to things of the musical nature...

I find it very interesting when artisits recycle their melodies to create new singles and make even more money. The latest artist to do this is Ne-yo who, if you sing the song "Bust it Baby, part 2" over his latest single, "Be on You", is guilty of recycling one song to do another. Don't get me wrong, do what you gotta do cuz I like both singles. But I just think it's really funny. So here's both. Go ahead and try to sing the chorus of one over the other and you'll see what I mean.

Again, I really like both of the songs, I just think it's very funny. So there's some food and music hits for all you neglected persons that actually read our blog.

~ 平安 \/. ^_^

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